DJ Audio Rage! The "Virtual" Rock Band Experience! { Official Fan Club of Patrick Lew }

Home | Band in the Box - The Story of Audio Rage | Band in the Box - DJ Audio Rage's REVENGE on the World! | The Musical History of DJ Audio Rage { Patrick Lew }... | Who is Patrick Lew? | Patrick's Current Project - SME | The NEW Samurai Sorcerers | The Members of the Crew | Past / Current Live Shows | 2005 - The Year of the Silent Minister | Albums | FAN CLUB INFORMATION | The Patrick Lew Q & A Interview! | The Silent Minister Chronicles (Bio) | Samurai Sorcerers MP3 Page | Silent Minister's MP3 Page


Want to join the Silent Minister's very own fan club?

Contact Patrick Lew @
Or send a note to Patrick on a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Patrick Lew
336 Cordova St
San Francisco, CA 94112
When you send an e-mail to Patrick, you most likely would receive an e-greeting card and an pre-printed autographed photo of the Minister.

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